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R&R Rebrand Distributor Toolkit

The R&R brand, a distinguishing combination of elements specifically designed to differentiate us from our competition, is presented here in an effort to most effectively and successfully communicate that brand to our customers. Our goal is to provide a structure for applying the R&R brand to a wide range of marketing communications. These guidelines present a unified and graphically appealing brand and, therefore, require the consistent use of color, logo, tagline, and other creative elements.

Please refer to these guidelines often to ensure that our graphic elements are used properly.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, or would like for the R&R Marketing Team to approve your proof, please contact the Marketing Department by emailing

Company Name
  • Font: Constantia, Bold, Small Caps

Company Tagline
  • Investing with Innovation™

    • Font: Tahoma Italic

    • Always include the ™ symbol

Registration & Trademark Usage
  • Please note the difference between use of the ® and ™ symbol. The appropriate symbol is placed immediately after the trademark in superscript font.

Product Names
  • Please note the difference between use of the ® and ™ symbol.
    • The appropriate symbol is placed immediately after the trademark in superscript font.
  • Registered or trademarked products are always followed by generic terms.
    • Example: Ranco-Sil™ fused silica.
    • The generic words are to be in lower case 
    • It is preferred to use the listed generic terms, but you may also use system, product, market, or materials.
  • Registered or trademarked product names are always used as adjectives and therefore have to modify a noun.
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