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Tips General
Binder Freeze Kit Instructions

Instructions for testing specific gravity using a binder freeze kit

Ceramic Shell
Tips CS

Recommended autoclave operating procedures to prevent or minimize shell cracking in your foundry

Electric Drill
Binder Remixing

Simple and inexpensive way to remix binder, prior to use, in a drum or IBC container

Eradicate and Prevent Bacteria

How to test your slurry to eradicate bacteria growth and prevent the contamination from occurring

FlashFire Dewax Method

General process recommendations to dewax and burnout the ceramic shell

Flask Calibration and Use

Calibration and use of volumetric and pycnometer flasks, both commonly used to measure binder density

Purified Water for Slurries

Ever since colloidal silica was first introduced to the precision investment casting industry, the importance of using purified water has been evident.

SculptaCast™ Wax FAQs

Frequently asked questions and answers about SculptaCast waxes

Shell Building

Technical tips for building a consistent shell in your foundry

Shell Inclusions

Most common causes for shell inclusions

Slurry Additives

Understand what slurry additives do, when to use them and how to use them properly

Slurry Control

Control the slurry in your foundry by conducting regular testing to best understand the properties of your slurry

Slurry pH

​Identify and correct specific sources of declining slurry pH and apply appropriate corrective actions

Spalling of Primary Shell Coats

Most common causes and potential solutions for spalling of primary shell coats

SuspendaSlurry® Materials FAQs

Frequently asked questions and answers about SuspendaSlurry materials

Viscosity Control for Primary Slurries

Basic slurry control can be accomplished with viscosity and binder solids; determine what additions are required to bring a slurry back into a workable range

Viscosity Cup Correlations

Equivalency charts for converting between different flow cups and endpoints

Wax Pattern Defect Trouble Shooting

Potential causes and corrective actions for troubleshooting wax pattern related defects in your foundry

Tips Dental
Dental Crown and Bridge Defect Analysis Guide

R&R recommends utilizing the following problems, causes and solutions to guide you through any difficulties you may encounter with dental crown and bridge (C&B) investments.

Dental Investment Best Practices

A guide to best practices when using dental investments; including: Liquid Preparation/Dilution, Liquid/Powder Ratio, Working Time, Bench Setting, Grinding the Tops of the Ring, and Burnout.

Dental Investment Cracking

Dental investment cracking is typically caused by liquid inside the invested ring evaporating too quickly. Build-up of these liquids, in the form of gasses, can remain in the oven and impede the evaporation process. To avoid this issue, R&R recommends implementing these two important steps.

Dental Investment Defect Analysis Guide

R&R recommends utilizing the following problems, causes and solutions to guide you through any difficulties you may encounter with dental investments.

Tips Jewelry
Jewelry Injection Wax Guidelines

To make the most of the inherent features and benefits in your jewelry injection wax, R&R recommends following these simple guidelines

Cracking and Flashing in Jewelry Molds

Understanding the science behind jewelry investments and the process can help you to overcome these defects

Jewelry Injection Wax Troubleshooting

Problems and remedies to guide you through any difficulties you may encounter with your jewelry injection waxes

Potential Causes of Jewelry Casting Defects

Potential causes of common jewelry casting defects

Tips Equipment
Vulcan Thermocouple.png
Vulcan® Burnout Furnace Thermocouple Replacement

Refer to the following steps to replace the thermocouple your Vulcan burnout furnace.

Vulcan® Burnout Furnace Power Cord Safety

When installing your Vulcan burnout furnace, it is important to know what kind of electrical you need to stay safe.

Vulcan® Single-Stage Burnout Furnace Quick Guide

For Vulcan single-stage burnout furnaces, R&R recommends following steps 1-3 to program new values for each action.

Vulcan® Three-Stage Burnout Furnace Quick Guide

For Vulcan three-stage burnout furnaces, R&R recommends following steps 1-3 to program new values for each action.

Vulcan® Three-Stage Firmware Update

Refer to the following steps to update the firmware on your Vulcan three-stage burnout furnace.

Neycraft™ Duplicating Unit Quick Guide

For Neycraft duplicating unit, R&R offers this quick guide, intended to be used a simple overview.

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